
Rhetoric dictionary :: translations

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Amplification (rhetoric) Amplificatio
Anacoluthon Anakoluth
Antithesis Antithese
Apologetics Apologetik
Apologue Apolog
Aposiopesis Aposiopese
Apposition Apposition
Catachresis Katachrese
Chiasmus Chiasmus
Circumlocution Periphrase
Climax (figure Of Speech) Klimax (Sprache)
Collective Noun Kollektivum
Dialectic Dialektik
Dialectic Kategorie:Dialektik
Dialogue Dialog
Dilemma Dilemma
Epanalepsis Epanalepse
Eristic Eristik
Ethos Ethos
Euphuism Euphuismus
Exordium (rhetoric) Exordium (Rhetorik)
Fallacy Fehlschluss
Figure Of Speech Rhetorische Figur
Logos Logos
Non Sequitur (logic) Non Sequitur
Orator Orator
Parable Parabel (Sprache)
Parallelism (rhetoric) Parallelismus (Rhetorik)
Paraphrase Paraphrase (Sprache)
Pathos Pathos
Phraseology Phraseologismus
Pleonasm Pleonasmus
Polemic Polemik
Polyptoton Polyptoton
Polysyndeton Polysyndeton
Prolepsis Prolepsis
Redundancy (language) Redundanz (Kommunikationstheorie)
Rhetoric Rhetorik
Satire Satire
Synecdoche Synekdoche
Tautology (rhetoric) Tautologie (Sprache)
Thesis Dissertation
Trope Trope
Truism Gemeinplatz
Word Play Wortspiel
Zeugma Zeugma (Sprache)

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