
Vietnamese Ingredients dictionary :: translations

   Index > Vietnamese Ingredients

Acerola Acérola
Amaranth Amarante (plante)
Black-eyed Pea Cornille
Cabbage Chou Commun
Calabash Calebasse
Canna (plant) Canna (genre Botanique)
Carambola Carambolier
Chrysophyllum Cainito Chrysophyllum Cainito
Clove Giroflier
Coconut Cocos Nucifera
Daikon Daïkon
Dill Aneth Odorant
Eleocharis Dulcis Châtaigne D'eau Chinoise
Galangal Galanga
Green Bean Haricot Vert
Guava Goyavier
Houttuynia Plante Caméléon
Hyacinth Bean Lablab
Jackfruit Jacquier
Jujube Jujube (fruit)
Kudzu Pueraria Lobata
Kumquat Kumquat
Lentil Lentille Cultivée
Longan Longane
Luffa Luffa
Mandarin Orange Mandarine
Mango Mangifera
Mangosteen Mangoustanier
Mung Bean Haricot Mungo
Neem Margousier
Okra Gombo
Oyster Mushroom Pleurote En Huître
Papaya Papaye
Peach Pêche (fruit)
Perilla Perilla
Persimmon Plaqueminier
Phaseolus Lunatus Haricot De Lima
Pineapple Ananas
Pomegranate Grenade (fruit)
Pomelo Citrus Maxima
Prunus Salicina Prunus Salicina
Rambutan Ramboutan
Sapodilla Sapotillier
Shiitake Shiitaké
Soursop Corossol
Soybean Soja
Star Anise Badiane Chinoise
Sweet Potato Patate Douce
Syzygium Syzygium
Tapioca Tapioca
Taro Colocasia Esculenta
Turmeric Curcuma
Volvariella Volvacea Volvaire Volvacée
Welsh Onion Ciboule
Wheat Gluten (food) Seitan
Winged Bean Pois Carré
Yam (vegetable) Igname

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