
Greek Mythology dictionary :: translations

   Index > Greek Mythology

Acheron Acheron
Achilles Akilles
Achilles' Heel Akilleshäl
Adonis Adonis
Aegina (mythology) Aigine
Aegisthus Aigisthos
Aeneas Aeneas
Aeolus Aiolos
Aether (mythology) Aither
Agamemnon Agamemnon
Agon Agon
Ajax (mythology) Ajax (mytologi)
Ambrosia Ambrosia
Amphisbaena Amphisbaena
Andromeda (mythology) Andromeda (mytologi)
Antigone Antigone
Aphrodite Afrodite
Apollo Apollon
Arete (mythology) Arete
Ariadne Ariadne
Artemis Artemis
Asclepius Asklepios
Ate Ate
Athena Athena
Atlas (mythology) Atlas
Atreus Atreus
Atropos Atropos
Cadmus Kadmos
Calliope Kalliope
Callisto (mythology) Kallisto
Calypso (mythology) Kalypso
Cassandra Kassandra
Cassiopeia (mythology) Kassiopeia
Centaur Kentaurer
Cerberus Kerberos
Chalcedon Chalcedon
Chaos Chaos
Charybdis Karybdis
Chimera (mythology) Chimaira
Chloris Chloris
Chthonic Ktoniska Gudar
Circe Kirke
Clio Klio
Clotho Klotho
Clytemnestra Klytaimnestra
Cocytus Cocytus
Cornucopia Ymnighetshorn
Creon Kreon
Crius Krios
Cyclopean Masonry Cyklopisk Mur
Cyclops Cykloper
Daedalus Daidalos
Damocles Damokles
Daphne Dafne
Deimos (mythology) Deimos (mytologi)
Demeter Demeter
Dionysus Dionysos
Doris (mythology) Doris (mytologi)
Dryad Dryader
Echidna (mythology) Echidna
Echo (mythology) Echo
Electra Elektra
Elysium Elyséiska Fälten
Eos Eos
Epimetheus (mythology) Epimetheus
Erato Erato
Erebus Erebos
Eris (mythology) Eris (gudinna)
Euphrosyne (mythology) Eufrosyne
Eurydice Eurydike
Euterpe Euterpe
Galatea (mythology) Galatea
Geryon Geryon
Golden Fleece Gyllene Skinnet
Gordian Knot Gordiska Knuten
Hades Hades
Hamadryad Hamadryader
Harpy Harpyja
Hebe (mythology) Hebe
Helen Helena (mytologisk Gestalt)
Helios Helios
Hephaestus Hefaistos
Heracles Herakles
Hermaphroditus Hermafroditos
Hermes Hermes
Hesperides Hesperiderna
Hippodamia Hippodameia
Hyacinth (mythology) Hyakinthos
Hyades (mythology) Hyaderna
Hyperion (mythology) Hyperion
Hypnos Hypnos (gud)
Iapetus (mythology) Iapetos
Icarus Ikaros
Iris (mythology) Iris (mytologi)
Jason Jason
Jocasta Iokaste
Lachesis (mythology) Lakesis
Laius Laios
Lethe Lethe
Leto Leto
Maenad Menader
Maia (mythology) Maia
Medea Medea
Medusa Medusa
Megaera Megära
Melissa Melissa (namn)
Melpomene Melpomene
Menelaus Menelaos
Metis (mythology) Metis
Midas Midas
Minos Minos
Minotaur Minotauros
Mnemosyne Mnemosyne
Moirae Moirerna
Morpheus (mythology) Morfeus
Mount Parnassus Parnassos
Muse Muserna
Narcissus (mythology) Narkissos
Nemean Lion Nemeiska Lejonet
Nemesis (mythology) Nemesis
Nereus Nereus
Nestor (mythology) Nestor (mytologisk Kung)
Oceanid Okeanider
Oceanus Okeanos
Odysseus Odysseus
Oedipus Oidipus
Oread Oreader
Orestes (mythology) Orestes
Orion (mythology) Orion
Pan (mythology) Pan
Pandora Pandora (mytologi)
Paris (mythology) Paris (mytologi)
Patroclus Patroklos
Pegasus Pegasos
Peleus Peleus
Penelope Penelope
Peneus Peneios
Perseus Perseus (mytologi)
Phobos (mythology) Phobos (mytologi)
Phoenix (Iliad) Foinix
Pluto (mythology) Pluto (mytologi)
Polyhymnia Polyhymnia
Pontus (mythology) Pontos (mytologi)
Poseidon Poseidon
Priam Priamos
Procrustes Prokrustes
Prometheus Prometheus
Proteus Proteus
Rhadamanthus Rhadamantys
Salmacis Salmakis
Sarpedon Sarpedon
Scylla Skylla (klippmonster)
Selene Selene
Silenus Silenus
Siren Sirener
Sparta Sparta
Stentor Stentor
Styx Styx (mytologi)
Syrinx Syrinx (nymf)
Terpsichore Terpsichore
Tethys (mythology) Tethys
Thalia Thalia (musa)
Thanatos Thanatos
Theia Theia
Themis Themis
Theogony Theogonin
Theseus Theseus
Thetis Thetis
Thule Thule (mytologi)
Titan (mythology) Titaner
Triton (mythology) Triton (mytologi)
Trojan Horse Trojanska Hästen
Trojan War Trojanska Kriget
Tyche Tyche
Typhon Tyfon (mytologisk Varelse)
Urania Urania
Zeus Zeus

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