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English and Dutch phrases for topic 'question'



questionDo you speak English?Spreek jij Engels?
questionDoes anyone here speak English?Spreekt iemand hier Engels?
questionWhat does it mean? Wat betekent dat?
questionWho are you?Wie ben jij?
questionWhat time is it?Hoe laat is het?
question Where is the bathroom/toilet/WC? Waar is de badkamer/het toilet/de WC?
questionCould you speak more slowly please?Kun je iets langzamer spreken?
questionCould you repeat it please?Kun je dat herhalen?
questionCan I use your phone? Mag ik je telefoon lenen?
questionCan I borrow your cell phone? Mag ik je mobiel lenen?
question Are you all right? Is alles goed met je?
question Can you fix it? Kunt u het repareren?
question Could I ask you something? Mag ik u wat/iets vragen?
question Could you ...? Kunt u ...?
question Could you help me, please? Kunt u me helpen?
question Do you have ...? Heeft/Hebt u ...?
question Do you speak (language)? Spreekt u language?
question Does anyone here speak (language)? Spreekt er iemand language hier?
question Excuse me, could I ask you something? Excuseert u mij, mag ik u iets vragen?
question Excuse me, could you please help me? Pardon, kunt u me helpen?
question How can I help you, sir/madam? Hoe kan ik u helpen, meneer/mevrouw?
question How can I help you? Hoe kan ik je helpen?
question I am looking for ... Ik zoek ...
question I beg your pardon? Wat zegt u?
question May I ...? Mag ik?
question Really? You are not joking? Echt? Je maakt geen grap?
question What does that mean? Wat betekent dat?
question What time is it? Hoe laat is het?
question Where can I change euros/dollars? Waar kan ik hier euro's/dollars wisselen?
question Where can I find ... Waar kan ik ... vinden?
question Where is ...? Waar is ...
question Would you like ...? Zou je willen ...?
question Are you already on summer/winter break? Hebben jullie al zomer/wintervakantie?
question Can I have your address/phone number? Mag ik uw adres/telefoonnummer?