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Answer Contact Greeting Health Hotel Problem Question Restaurant Shopping Travel Wish
English and Spanish phrases for topic 'wish'
| English | Spanish | | wish | Good luck / Success | Que te vaya bien | wish | Best wishes | Los mejores deseos. | wish | Congratulations on your birthday | Feliz cumpleaños | wish | Happy New Year! | Feliz año nuevo | wish | Merry Christmas and a happy new year! | ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! | wish | All the best | Te deseo lo mejor | wish | Happy Easter | Feliz Pascua/Felices Pascuas | wish | Have a good trip | Buen viaje | wish | Have a nice holiday | Felices vacanciones | wish | Have fun | Que se divierta, que lo pase bien | |
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This Spanish phrasebook allows you to lookup Spanish phrases which contain a keyword you enter.
The basic Spanish phrases are divided into
thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc.
This database contains about 150 of the most important Spanish phrases.
The list of Spanish phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations
people encounter in countries speaking Spanish. More phrasal verbs at: Phrases.net