
Romanian phrases for topic Question

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Dutch and Romanian phrases for topic 'question'



questionSpreek jij Engels?Vorbiţi engleză?
questionSpreekt iemand hier Engels?Vorbeşte cineva aici engleză?
question Waar is de badkamer/het toilet/de WC? Unde e toaleta?
questionMag ik je telefoon lenen?Pot să utilizez telefonul tău?
question Is alles goed met je? Sînt toate bune cu tine?
question Kunt u het repareren? O/Îl puteţi repara?
question Mag ik u wat/iets vragen? Pot să vă întreb ceva?
question Kunt u ...? Puteţi dumneavoastră …?
question Heeft/Hebt u ...? Ai/Aveţi dumneavoastră …?
question Spreekt u language? Vorbiţi dumneavoastră language?
question Excuseert u mij, mag ik u iets vragen? Scuzaţi-mă, pot să vă întreb ceva?
question Pardon, kunt u me helpen? Pardon, puteţi să mă ajutaţi?
question Hoe kan ik u helpen, meneer/mevrouw? Cu ce vă pot ajuta domnule/doamnă?
question Hoe kan ik je helpen? Cum te pot ajuta?
question Ik zoek ... Eu caut …
question Wat zegt u? Dumneavoastră ce spuneţi/Ce ziceţi?
question Wat betekent dat? Ce înseamnă asta?
question Hoe laat is het? Ce oră este/Cît este ceasul/Cît e ora?
question Waar kan ik hier euro's/dollars wisselen? Unde pot eu schimba euro's/dollars?
question Waar kan ik ... vinden? Unde pot eu … găsi?
question Waar is ... Unde e ...?
question Zou je willen ...? Ţi-ai dori …?
question Hebben jullie al zomer/wintervakantie? Voi a-ţi avut deja vacanţă de vară/iarnă?
question Mag ik uw adres/telefoonnummer? Îmi permiteţi să vă cer adresa/numărul de telefon al dumneavoastră?

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This Romanian phrasebook allows you to lookup Romanian phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic Romanian phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important Romanian phrases. The list of Romanian phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking Romanian.

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