
Dutch vocabulary

Learn English to Dutch vocabulary : City

Index > City

airport [de] luchthaven, [het] vliegveld
bank [de] bank
bridge [de] brug
building [het] gebouw
capital [de] hoofdstad
castle [het] kasteel, [het] fort
church [de] kerk
cinema [de] bioscoop
city [de] stad
factory [de] fabriek
flat [de] flat
hospital [het] ziekenhuis, [het] hospitaal
hotel [het] hotel
library [de] bibliotheek
park [het] park
prison [de] gevangenis
restaurant [het] restaurant
road [de] weg, [de] straat
school [de] school
station [het] station
street [de] straat
structure [de] constructie
subway [de] metro
supermarket [de] supermarkt
theater [de] schouwburg, [het] theater
town [de] stad, [de] gemeente
university [de] universiteit
village [het] dorp

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