
Dutch vocabulary

Learn English to Dutch vocabulary : Mathematics

Index > Mathematics

addition [de] sommering, [de] optelling
angle [de] hoek
area [de] oppervlakte
center [het] middelpunt
circle [de] cirkel
curve [de] curve, [de] kromme lijn
degree [de] graad
degree [het] niveau, [de] graad
difference verschil
distance [de] afstand
division [de] deling
edge [de] kant
element [het] element
function [de] functie
half [de] helft
limit [de] limiet
line [de] lijn
net [het] net
order [de] volgorde
outside [de] buitenkant
percent [het] procent
point [de] punt
purpose [de] functie, [het] nut
result [het] resultaat
root [de] wortel
rule [het] voorschrift
set [de] collectie
side [de] zijde
square [het] vierkant
square [het] kwadraat, [de] tweede macht
substitution vervanging
surface [de] oppervlakte
total [de] som, [de] sommering

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