
Korean vocabulary

Learn English to Korean vocabulary : Clothes

Index > Clothes

bag 자루 [jaru]
boot 장화 [janghwa]
cloth 직물 [jikmul]
clothing 의류 [uiryu]
coat 외투 [oetu]
collar 깃 [git]
hat 모자 [moja]
jacket 짧은 웃옷 [jjalpeun utot]
jewel 보석 [boseok]
ring 반지 [banji]
shirt 셔츠 [syeocheu]
shoe 구두 [gudu]
skirt 치마 [chima]
sock 양말 [yangmal]
suitcase 여행 가방 [yeohaeng gabang]
tie 넥타이 [nektai]

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