
English vocabulary

Learn English vocabulary : Society

Index > Society

army army
base base, base of operations
club club, society
company company, companionship
contest contest, competition
country country, land
court court
crime crime, offense
culture culture, civilization
democracy democracy, republic
dominion dominion, rule
election election
existence existence, being
female female, female person
government government, regime
history history
individual individual
institution institution, establishment
king king
male male, male person
member member, fellow member
nation nation
news news, tidings
noise noise, racket
order order
organization organization, organisation
pass pass, laissez passer
passport passport
peace peace
people people
police police, constabulary
policy policy
population population
public public, populace
punishment punishment, penalty
religion religion, faith
religion religion, faith
state state
title title
union union
war war, state of war
will will
will will, testament

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